Why doesn't the Synergy use 24-bit Sigma-Delta Converters?
The low cost and high resolution of a sigma-delta type 24-bit A/D converter make it a great choice for frequency domain or audio applications where they provide excellent dynamic range and performance.
However, for high-speed time domain applications the traditional 16-bit Successive Approximation digitizer provides a much better solution for an accurate representation of the waveform in a broad range of applications.
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How do I install Synergy or Win600 software on my PC?
All users are entitled to free downloads of the latest Hi-Techniques software, and all systems include a license for installation on your PC. (Economical site licenses are also available.) Simply
download and run Setup. No cumbersome dongles or validation codes are required.
You will need a username and password to enter the Downloads page, and you will need Administrator privileges on your PC to install.
Request a Password
If you will be acquiring data with the newly-installed PC, there are several recommended Windows settings to optimize the acquisition performance. You can find more information on our
Tech Notes page.
What operating systems are supported by Hi-Techniques software?
Synergy software operates under all 32-bit and 64-bit variants of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. Additionally, Win600 and Win600e software will operate under Windows 95 and 98 although few enterprises currently permit such old OS's.
Can I use anti-virus and firewall software on my Synergy or Win600?
Yes. We recommend the free Microsoft Security Essentials for general use, since it is proven effective and easily available without any subscription fees. To the best of our knowledge all commercial anti-virus software is compatible with Synergy software. The only known exception is one case where Symantec Endpoint Protection, their high-end corporate product, was secured so tightly that the Synergy PC could not communicate with its own hardware. If an aggressive firewall is used, we suggest unblocking TCP/IP ports 29238 and 29239 which Synergy software uses.
Can Synergy and Win600e operate in Windows "Restricted User" logon?
For off-line data viewing and post analysis, our software can be run with any Windows logon. However to permit the high performance streaming of the Synergy system, a Power User or Administrator log-on is needed to acquire new data at high sample rates. Specifically the privilege "Increase scheduling priority" is needed. Under Windows XP only, "Full Control" of the directory C:\Program Files\Hi-Techniques\Synergy is additionally required.
How do I copy or backup Synergy Records and Datasets?
By default, all Synergy data is saved to D:\Synergy in standard Windows files. Any normal Windows backup and copy methods may be used. All raw data for each Record is saved in its own subdirectory, which should always be copied in its entirety. There is also a small "link" file that opens the Record without drilling into its subdirectory. In Recorder mode, the default storage path is Synergy\Streaming\DataRecord_nnn. In Scope mode, the default path is Synergy\Transient\DataSynergy_nnn. However, you may change the path and filenames to any desired, including direct storage to an external drive or thumb drive. Many USB thumb drives are now fast enough to store streaming data even at the highest sample rates.
What are the current PC specifications for a Synergy?
One advantage of the Synergy design is the use of a standard µATX PC mainboard which Hi-Techniques has upgraded several times. At present all Synergy systems ship with:
- Standard miniITX PC Motherboard
- Genuine Intel Core I Series CPU
- 15-inch display with rugged ATM-grade touchscreen (P and CS Models)
- 8 GB RAM
- 500 GB SSD or larger
- Two Gigabit Ethernet ports with auto-detection of cable type and speed
- Windows 10 Professional
- Open-source PDF writer
- RealVNC remote desktop server
Most of these specifications can be upgraded on customer request.
How do I connect a Synergy, meDAQ or Win600e to my network?
The DAQ hardware and the PC which controls it each require a unique IP address. When shipped from the factory, these are set to fixed addresses so Synergy can run standalone without a network attached. To connect to a network, only two settings are needed:
- Set the DHCP slide switch on the DAQ hardware to "1" (on).
- On the control PC, open the Windows Control Panel, locate the "Local Area Connection" and set its TCP/IP Properties to "Obtain an IP address automatically".
Then shut down, connect an Ethernet port to your network and power the system up. Reverse these steps to again use the system standalone off the network. If needed, more detailed step by step instructions are found in the
Synergy Operators Manual Chapter 4.
I am getting an error message "Unable to Connect" in Synergy or Win600e software
This is usually caused by a simple network setting. Even within its own chassis, the Hi-Techniques software communicates with the DAQ hardware over Ethernet. Both the DAQ and the PC are Ethernet devices that require a unique IP address. Therefore TWO settings must be changed whenever you connect or disconnect from a network.
- If you are on a network, check that the DAQ DHCP switch is set to ON (1) and the PC network adapter is set to "Obtain an address automatically."
- If you are NOT on a network, check that the DAQ DHCP switch is set to OFF (0) and the PC network adapter is set to "Use the following IP address" with a valid IP address entered.
- For more detailed troubleshooting, please refer to the Networking Tech Note.
If problems persist, Please contact us by phone at +1-608-221-7500 or through our
Tech Support page.
What sensors does the Synergy Universal Signal Conditioner support?
The Universal Signal Conditioner allows channel-by-channel selection of any common sensor type:
- Any DC bridge sensor including strain gages, load cells, pressure sensors, torque sensors.
- Any self-amplified sensor which may be powered by 1-10Vdc at 50 mA, including DC-LVDTs, "5B"-type bricks and process transmitters.
- Any constant-current piezoelectric sensor including accelerometers, pressure, force, and shock sensors as well as microphones. Trade names include PCB Piezotronics ICP®, Endevco ISOTRON®, Kistler Piezotron®, and Brüel & Kjær DeltaTron®.
- Any thermocouple of types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S or T.
- Charge-mode piezoelectric sensors with the addition of small in-line charge converters such as the PCB 422E35/36 or Endevco 2771B series.
In addition to the versatile input amplifiers, any Synergy channel can measure RMS, StDev, Max, Min, Peak-to-Peak, Frequency and RPM in real time as additional virtual channels while in Recorder mode. This eliminates the need for external RMS and frequency-to-voltage signal conditioners.
If you are not certain about your sensor's specifications or compatibility, please feel free to
contact Hi-Techniques application engineers for assistance. We are familiar with most vendors and almost all sensor types.
Can I use an RTD temperature sensor with Synergy?
Yes, via a convenient USB Temperature module which provides four PT100 RTD or eight thermocouple inputs. Up to four modules can be used with any Synergy to add up to 16 RTD channels or 32 TC channels.
How do I get my Synergy data to an Excel spreadsheet or another application?
Position the mouse on any Synergy waveform display, then press and hold the keyboard Ctrl key. Drag the mouse onto a spreadsheet and release it. The numeric table of all channels' readings are copied over in full precision to almost any Windows application. It is also possible to save data files directly in CSV or TXT format.
How do I update my Synergy or Win 600 software?
Unlike most vendors, Hi-Techniques has a long-standing policy of free software updates for the life of the product. The most current versions of our
software and manuals for your system are always available. If you do not yet have a user name and password for software downloads, please contact us by phone or email with your system serial number.
How do I update my system's firmware?
Each DAQ module contains its operating instructions in flash memory which can be updated as new features are added by using a utility program called "Blaster". In your Windows Programs menu, select Hi-Techniques, Synergy Utilities, and click on Blaster. More information is available on our
Software Downloads page.
When I turn the rear panel power switch on, the system runs for only a few seconds and switches off. Why?
This is normal behavior for most desktop PCs including the ones built into Synergy. The rocker switch turns on standby power only and is normally left on. Power-up and power-down is controlled by the front panel pushbutton so that Windows can control the boot and shutdown process. When the rocker switch is first turned on, the power supply comes on for a few seconds, determines the front panel switch has not yet been pressed, and goes back to sleep. The system is then powered up or down by pressing the pushbutton.
How can I check calibration of my Synergy system?
Synergy Operation Manual includes an Appendix with a compete calibration check, so you can verify performance at incoming inspection and at any desired interval. Hi-Techniques recommends checking the calibration annually, but field experience shows the hardware is very stable and rarely requires any adjustment. The Win600/meDAQ systems do not have full verification documentation but we can assist on
How do I remote control my DAQ system?
All Hi-Techniques DAQ software runs under Microsoft Windows, so most remote software may be used to log in remotely, control the system and transfer data just as if you were at the front panel. We support and recommend RealVNC which is available in free basic and more feature-rich paid versions for PC, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS remote control. View the
Tech Note. Synergy software includes a specially modified RealVNC server that provides a smooth scrolling display remotely, which most remote software cannot do. We do not recommend the built-in Windows Remote Desktop, which is intended for text-based remote administration rather than dynamic video displays such as a Scope or Recorder screen.
For test automation, there is also a TCP/IP command interface available which is constantly adding features. Please contact us for the latest documentation and sample programs.
How many channels can a Synergy chassis accommodate?
Different model mainframes have 4, 8 or 16 slots for digitizer modules. Any combination of modules may be installed and interchanged in the field with automatic plug-and-play recognition. Most modules are four channels each, but the high density module provides 16 channels at 100 kS/s each in one slot. Up to 256 channels is possible in one mainframe, with Master/Slave extension to 2048 channels.
What type of filters does a Synergy have?
All Synergy digitizers provide an analog anti-alias filter prior to the ADC, and offer a variety of software selectable digital filters that operate on the high-speed ADC data. This allows continuous anti-alias protection at all sample rates. At most sample rates the filter selections include Off, Analog Only, Steep (Fs/2.5), Gaussian (Fs/8), Gaussian (Fs/20) and Gaussian (Fs/40). While Synergy allows for on the fly software selectable filtering many other DAQ systems on the market today are based on inexpensive sigma-delta ADCs that are embedded with steep filters. These steep filters can cause an unpredicatble preshoot and overshoot of up to 20% while making time-domain measurements. Please read our
ADC Tech Note for more information.
What is the maximum input voltage of Synergy input modules?
Most models provide a ±10V or ±20V maximum input range. For higher inputs, the Medium Voltage isolated module allows up to ±200V while the High Voltage module allows up to ±1000V direct inputs.
My company does not allow me Administrator privileges on my PC, so my Windows XP logon is a Standard User. Can I run Win600 software?
For Windows XP only, one setting must be changed to run Win600 software. By default, Standard Users (i.e. non-Administrators) in Windows XP are restricted from writing to any directory in the C:\ root path. Win600 software stores temporary files and settings in the subdirectory C:\HT600, so it shows a number of error messages as Windows XP restricts the access it expects. There is a simple way to let Win600 function normally by providing access to the directory it needs.
1. Have an Administrator log on to your PC.
2. Install
Win600 software if necessary.
3. In Windows Explorer, open the C:\ directory.
4. Right-click on the subdirectory C:\HT600 and select "Sharing and Security" from the context menu.
5. In the resulting dialog, click on the "Security" tab.
6. Select "Users" in the top of the dialog.
7. Select "Full Control - Allow" in the lower half of the dialog,
8. Click Apply and OK to close the dialog.
The next time you log on as a Standard User the Win600 software will function normally. This FAQ applies to Windows XP only. Windows 7 automatically redirects the files so Win600 runs normally without any special settings.